Normally our worship team rehearsal starts at 8:30pm.  Yep, just about every Thursday night as most normal folks are winding down, we’re knocking back coffee and getting wired for a late night rehearsal.  Don’t get me wrong–I LOVE hanging out with midtown’s worship folks.

We pray together, talk about what Jesus is doing in our lives, what we’re learning as we study the scriptures.  We laugh and joke and bust on each other.  We play and sing at the top of our lungs well into the night.  It’s usually about 11pm before we finish and get things cleaned up and put away.  It’s a fun night, but it’s a late night.

Tonight we were able to get into the worship room 2 hours early.  We were pretty much set up and rolling by 7:30.  We had time to work some new folks into the team for this weekend, change a couple of songs, and do a little discussing of pertinent things…all before 9:30!  When I turned ’em loose no one wanted to go home!  2 folks headed over to the piano to work on transposing songs, others hung around talking.  It was almost 10:15 before anyone headed out the door.

What a difference 2 hours makes.  No one was rushing to get out the door, no one looked bleary-eyed, no one was dreading the late-night-early-morning.  I don’t know if it’s possible, but it sure would be fun to be able to rehearse every Thursday night at 7.  It sure makes building relationships via hanging out a little easier.

This is me leading worship at a wedding…I don’t normally wear a flower on my jacket when I lead worship at midtown.  Or a jacket, period…

Categories: worship team

1 Comment

Ryan · March 30, 2012 at 11:26 am

Reminds me of worship team practices at Crusade meetings. Fun and energetic!

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