Team Sublett has suffered a terrible loss.  March 15 was the day we first heard about a pregnant lady in a far off state who was interested in finding a family to adopt her baby girl, due to be born near the end of May.  Kim passed the info around her adoptive families network, but found no takers.  As we began to pray for the mother and baby, God did that thing that he does in our hearts.  When our adoption lawyer checked in with Kim, we mentioned that we were interested in talking a little more.

After a few weeks of stops and starts (birth father wouldn’t sign off, then he changed his mind) and working through a pile of details and obstacles, things began to gel.  We were in contact with the birth mother, had retained legal counsel for her, and were making arrangements for our travel so that we could be at the hospital for Baby Girl’s arrival.  Our main concern was that we’d be able to make it back home for Levi’s graduation.

Last Thursday we got the most dreadful news we could imagine.  Just as folks were pulling into the driveway for lifegroup, Kim called the birth mother to check in.  We hadn’t heard from her for a few days.  Our hearts broke as she told us that she’d gone to the hospital and delivered a stillborn baby girl.

The next few hours days we felt like we were in some kind of a swirling haze.  Just that week we’d let our hearts go down the adoption road, thinking that we were adding a baby to our Team in about a month.  Kim spent some time that morning getting the baby’s room ready, buying some pink onesies…

Our lifegroup was incredibly supportive, and friends have been great.  We have cried with the kids, who were 100% behind this adoption.  We have a lot of unanswered questions, a lot of residual emotions…we were up late crying with the girls that night.  Levi had to deal with his grief Sunday night when he returned from a school trip.

God has blessed us with a great family.  We know that we’re not less of a family, even if there aren’t any more children joining Team Sublett.  We are willing and ready if the Lord opens the doors for us to adopt again.  As long as he’ll trust us to raise them, we’re in.

But for now, our hearts are hurting as we mourn the loss of a baby sister, a daughter we never knew…


Jane Butler · April 30, 2014 at 10:11 am

Staci and your wonderful family,

We are so sorry to hear of your loss. Please know our small group will be in prayer for you and your family: for comfort and peace that will see you through this difficult moment.

Jane and Al Vutler

    stacy · April 30, 2014 at 10:13 am

    Thank you, Miss Jane. We certainly appreciate your prayers.

Ben · April 30, 2014 at 10:27 am

Prayers for you … love the Team!

Kristi Bricker · April 30, 2014 at 10:55 am

What a terrible and sad loss for you all! We will be praying, let us know if we can do anything for your family.

Jamie · April 30, 2014 at 10:57 am

So sorry to hear about your loss Stac.
Praying for you all.

Love your guts.
Inspired by your faith.

Denny Rhule · April 30, 2014 at 11:38 am

Love Team Sublett….our hearts are breaking with yours….praying for God to intimately touch each of your hearts…..

Jason Keener · April 30, 2014 at 8:52 pm


I am so sorry to hear of your loss. We have been taught so much by our adoption. I cannot imagine the pain you guys are feeling right now. I have now words to make things better, just that we will pray you find rest in God’s sovereignty. We will pray for the birth mother as well.

Barbara Greek · April 30, 2014 at 10:16 pm

My heart aches for you & yours! I am praying for you & know that He will surround you with ministering angels! I love you guys! And yes, I am crying as I write this. But tears can bring heeling & heeling brings joy!

Heidi Biever · April 30, 2014 at 11:13 pm

Oh Stacey–our hearts are with you. This dear baby girl came into your lives for a reason, and her precious life continues. I’m sure that she is showering her love and gratitude on your family as you move through this experience. I imagine that she will always be grateful that you made a space for her on the Team Sublett bench. Perhaps she is wearing the jersey right now…. Love love love you ALL!!!

Evangeline · May 1, 2014 at 12:37 am

Heart breaking 🙁

Sending you my love from across the miles. I will continue lifting up Team Sublett in prayers <3

Noel · May 2, 2014 at 4:31 pm

Ohhh Subletts… so sorry to hear this! Feeling a loss along with you. Love you all lots!

Karl · May 3, 2014 at 6:43 pm

Love you

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