I think it happened while we were in Florida.  I’m not sure what they fed him or let him watch on tv, but Charlie changed while we were gone.  We’ve been trying to potty train him, but I don’t think that has anything to do with it.  The pee stains on the couch, our bed, his high chair, and my leg give testimony to his growth in this area.  That being said, he’s growing, that much is undeniable.

We took him with us Saturday for the youth group trip to the ice rink.  He had a little trouble walking in the skates at first.  But he was willing to get out on the ice and make the slow rounds for a bit.  In fact, he didn’t want to come off the ice.  He took a cookie break while the Zamboni did its thing, but then Charlie was back to work.  He “skated” for most of the 2 hours, and by the end of the day he was letting go of my fingers, trying to glide, and generally having fun! He will gladly tell you that he wants to go back to “skate ice.”

He’s also talking a lot more, putting words together to form sentences.  I know that all kids mature and grow at their own pace, but this is kind of fun.  He’s morphing into a little guy, capable of expressing his thoughts and wants using words rather than grunts and cries. I’m not sure if it points to intelligence, but he’s been saying, “More cheeseballs” with regularity.  This morning he climbed up into his high chair (pre-pee), mugged for the camera (I’m not sure what kind of face he thought he was making), and declared his need for more of the spherical cheesiness.

I can’t imagine a smarter, more athletic 2 year old.  Now if we can cut down on him peeing on me…

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