A generosity promise

I’m blogging from my phone. Comcast says we have a working internet connection. Our experience is quite the opposite. That being said, tonight’s post is going to be short. This morning I read a huge promise from the Apostle Paul’s letter to the church at Corinth. It’s a promise/principle of Read more…

amazing friends

Do you have amazing friends? I do. Just about everywhere I turn. God has placed these people around me strategically. He uses them to inspire me, to encourage me, to kick my backside when it needs kicked…You know some of them. Shoot, you may be one of them. But have Read more…

return of the cold feet

It’s unclear as to who is to blame.  I am not seeking to distance myself from culpability–one of the foundational principles of Men’s Fraternity is that I want to accept responsibility for my actions.  The bottom line is that the wonderful and moderately miraculous rice-warmer-sock creation died last night in Read more…

how committed are you?

You know the old saying, don’t you–when it comes to your ham & egg breakfast, the chicken is involved, while the pig is fully committed. Levi & Lilly have been bustin’ their booties as part of the cast/crew bringing “Into the Woods” to life this week at State High. Levi Read more…

it’s not too late

This morning at Men’s Fraternity (I still don’t like 6:15am, but the goodness that is Men’s Frat totally makes up for the earliness) I got a timely reminder: It’s not too late. If your past is filled with mistakes, it’s ok to regret.  But don’t let your past hold you Read more…