looking for a rhythm

Some time ago one of the sound guys from our church suggested that our band might be able to improve by playing with a click track (that’s a metronome kind of deal that plays in the ears of the worship team).  He was kindly suggesting that we were having trouble Read more…

thursday’s thoughts

…sitting here tonight reflecting on the day’s events.  I wonder if you wouldn’t mind answering a few questions.  Some are for my information; some are to make you think; some are probably just for fun.  I’m thinking about this becoming a recurring theme, unless nobody answers the questions. Post your Read more…

we’re reading a book

Levi is into superheroes.  By “into” I mean like the moon is into gravitational orbit.  He draws them and reads them and talks about them and wears them and talks about them and watches them and talks about them and talks about them and talks about them.  We are getting Read more…

highlights and lowlights

Highlight: having brunch with some of the guys who attended chapel this year with the State College Spikes.  Being a chaplain for a minor league baseball team is a lot like being in youth/college ministry.  This summer’s chapel schedule was very sporadic, which made it hard to get much traction. Read more…

2 unexpected encounters

The first came for Lilly.  Today was her 14th birthday, and she unexpectedly encountered some germs.  She celebrated by staying in bed all day with a sinus/ear infection.  Yay!  She thought she was coming down with something last week during Fiddler.  I guess she was.  Her birthday wasn’t a total Read more…