Sports make great analogies for life.  I’ve been a coach for some pretty successful teams in terms of wins and losses.  I’ve also coached some teams that struggled.  But it never fails–every year there were moments, golden opportunities when things more important than the final score bubbled to the surface.

Stephen Shields brought this one to my attention.  Click through and let God speak to you through this story.

I’d guess that most of us have identified what success means in our day-to-day.  We all know what gets measured, what defines the win, what people count.  But what if our standards changed?

Remember the coach who told his team’s fans to cheer for the other team?  Rick Rielly tells us that Troy Aikman heard the story, told NFL Commish Roger Goddell, who brought the coach to the Super Bowl.  He honored the coach during his Friday news conference.  The coach’s response:

“I hate it that this thing that we did is so rare,” Hogan said. “Everybody views it as such a big deal. Shouldn’t that be the normal?”

I think we need a new normal, one that sees past final scores and wins/losses.  What if our scoreboard measured our love for God, our love for other people, and the lives we touched along the way?  How better would our world be if we had a new normal?

Categories: Uncategorized


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