By the time I got home from lifegroup Wednesday night (have I told you about my wonderful lifegroup?) I had 5 offers for help with transportation–everything from a tiny car (we could strap our kids to the roof) to a ginormous 15 passenger van. Before I got to the office today 2 other people had offered us the use of their vehicles, and one friend even dropped his car off in our driveway. He’s choosing to ride his motorcycle in the chilly fall weather and let us use his truck.
How cool is that?
We spent part of our lifegroup (you really ought to get you one of those) talking about the places that we see God moving, the things God is teaching us, and the ways he’s stretching us. All of the stories were about us growing in our faith and helping others grow! The stories were as varied and different as you can imagine–everything from someone donating 70 (yes, 70!) new winter coats and fleece blankets to a homeless ministry, to fellow employees finding true community together, to the simple faith of children coming alive…
As we pursue the mission of Jesus (making disciples) we find ourselves growing in our own faith. I like that cycle. And our friends.