that’n makes me cry

No, I’m not talking about one of the greatest moments in cinematic history.  I’m talking about certain passages in the Bible that always leave me feeling disappointed, let down by the characters in the passage.  Do you know what I mean?  Are there folks in the story who do things Read more…

the role of a pastor

Samuel was a pivotal figure in the history of Israel. Not only was he a prophet of the Lord, but he was also the man God used to anoint the first king of Israel. He confronted the people of Israel with their sin, and when they responded well he said: Read more…

God gave him another heart

Those words were written about a strapping young man named Saul, son of Kish, who was  being prepared to be the first king of Israel.  The prophet Samuel anointed him with oil, kissed him (in a totally prophetic & manly way), and predicted some awfully specific signs that would follow Read more…

make me stop and say wow

It doesn’t happen often…I tend to keep my thoughts inside my head.  But I just glanced out the window of my office and noticed a couple of trees whose leaves have already turned the most brilliant yellow.  Startling, stand out, stop me in mid-thought yellow…wow.