pay it forward

It is better to give than to receive…The Apostle Paul attributes this to Jesus himself. We try to practice that, both as a family and as a faith community.  We believe in generosity as a practical application of our faith in Jesus, as a way of loving our neighbor, as Read more…

getting our sea legs

My Paw Paw was a Navy man.  He served aboard the USS Saratoga during WWII.  When men first got onboard the ship, they had a period of adjusting to the movement of the ship on the waves.  They had to figure out how to move while the ground beneath their Read more…

hey parents!

Hi, I’m Stacy, and I’m the parent of a middle-schooler (or 3)… Have I mentioned that I’m the youth pastor at my church, again?  One of the things that I want to do differently this time around is the way we partner with parents.  After all, it’s the parents who Read more…

looking for an edge

Some of you know that I moved back into the Youth Pastor’s role at Calvary toward the end of the summer.  I get to work directly with middle school and high school students, and I lead the team of adults who work with them in various capacities.  It’s been quite Read more…

time to fight

My dear friend Erica dropped this on us today, from Isaiah 28: 5 In that day the Lord of hosts will be a crown of glory,     and a diadem of beauty, to the remnant of his people, 6 and a spirit of justice to him who sits in judgment,     and strength to those who turn back Read more…

the art of manliness

Did you know that there’s a website devoted to reviving the lost art of manliness?  As a man who is dedicated to helping other men grow into their calling, this interests me.  I’ve been poking around their website for a few weeks now.  They feature articles aimed at helping men be Read more…