It’s still a little early to put it to bed, but I thought I’d take a stab at outlining some of the things that I’ve learned from my participation in SCCT’s production of Arthur Miller’s The Crucible.  We’ve got shows this Friday (7/26, 8pm) and Saturday (7/27, 2pm & 8pm) if you’re interested…click here for tickets!

The Church has been dysfunctional for a long time.  Apparently someone on the maiden voyage from England slipped the dysfunction into a steamer trunk, because the church in Salem was a wreck.  Broken people have a tendency to create broken organizations and structures.  That being said, I believe that the local church is and should be a vital part of the community, and when she’s on target and on mission, there’s nothing finer.

Everything rides on the back of leadership.  If Rev. Parris (my role!) or Mr. Danforth had been quality/character men, I think that the disaster in Salem could have been avoided.  Both were wrecked by pride and misplaced priorities.  The whole shebang centered around the young girls (niece and daughter) in Parris’ care.  I know that parents are not to blame for every bad situation their children get into (Lord, I hope not!) but Rev. Parris was a poor parent, and a poor leader of the people of Salem.  Like leader, like people…On the other side of that coin, Abigail Williams led a cold and calculated plot to manipulate, lie, betray, and murder (20 people hanged) before shoving off to Boston (don’t let your kids go to Boston).  Leadership–good or bad–is influence.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. (attributed to Edmund Burke)  That’s the bottom line in Salem, Happy Valley, and your house.  If you and I are not intentional, life does not drift toward the good.  I don’t envy the whistle-blower, but there must come a day when you and I choose to stand on the side of good vs evil.  Someone should have done something…we hear that still.

I found friends in Salem.  A little more than a month ago I was meeting this cast at our read-through.  Now I consider them to be friends, with secret handshakes and inside jokes.  We’ve shared rides and beers and stories and lives.  I am so grateful for the Community I have found in community theatre.

I’m probably hooked.  I don’t know if I’m any good at this acting thing.  I’ve blown the last 2 singing auditions that I’ve had, that’s for sure.  It’s possible that they gave me a role in this play because I have a key to the building where the Community Theatre office is!  But if they’ll have me, I’ll be back next season for another round of auditions.  Only this year I’m going to seriously practice my audition song!

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