XStream has moved into summer mode. That means we’re meeting outside at Harvest Fields, playing a lot, swimming in the pond, worshiping and teaching around the campfire, and soaking up all the sunshine we can! Each week a different leader will be sharing a little from a Psalm that has been meaningful in their spiritual development. Tonight was my night to share, and I chose Psalm 27, which begins with these words:

The Lord is my light and my salvation—so why should I be afraid? The Lord is my fortress, protecting me from danger, so why should I tremble?

As we go through life, we’re going to face enemies–real and imagined, physical and spiritual. King David was all too familiar with people trying to kill him. Jesus warned his early followers about the spiritual enemy (I almost typed enema) who is determined to kill, steal, and destroy…The danger is real. But Psalm 27 holds two promises for us.

Verse 5 states that in the midst of the conflict, God holds us safe and secure. The storm may rage around us, but God is our shelter, our savior. And when that PROTECTION (salvation) breaks on us, our right response (v6) is to WORSHIP.

The second promise is equally amazing–PRESENCE! And if you read verses 8-13, you’ll see a veritable truckload of life-altering effects that come with the presence of God.

That’s what God wants for us. Even though the danger is real, when we have a right relationship with God, we don’t have to be afraid. We can live in the confidence of the God’s protection and presence. That was enough to change David’s perspective, and it will be enough for us. I want that kind of faith!
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