
Seth Barnes writes about the gifts of the Spirit on the same weekend that my pastor preaches about us being filled with the Spirit of God, thus making us a Sacred Place… pretty sure that’s not coincidental. This teacher in South Africa got fined for having 19 children in her car. Read more…

how to enjoy an afternoon

Take a local coffee shop/bookstore, mix in an unseen DJ playing 80’s vinyl, toss in 4 pre-baptism interviews, add a brief walk & talk with a friend who wants to spend his life investing in others, top with a good, long conversation with a guy who loves Jesus and thinks Read more…

bummed by the buccos

I’m not sure who’s responsible, or if there’s a reasonable “fair share” of blame to be handed out to both parties, but the State College Spikes ended their affiliation with the Pittsburgh Pirates over the weekend.  The Spikes will return to the parent organization that brought baseball to Happy Valley, Read more…