God uses people to push us

Tonight at XStream I talked about how part of God’s plan for us to grow and develop in our faith involves the people he brings into our lives. We’ve got to be open to their influence, and there are certainly some folks in everybody’s life who wouldn’t be a good Read more…

never too late

Levi is 19 now…for all practical purposes, he’s a grown up. He’s as big as me, has a regular job, bills to pay, and all that jazz. We’ve shared some incredible and extraordinary experiences over the past 19 years. We’ve traveled the world, played sweet music, made up and played epic Read more…

winning the busy war

I like being busy. Check that–I like being productive, being fruitful. Too often I settle for being busy. Sometimes I wonder if I’m quietly trading one for the other. Am I fooling myself into thinking that busy will lead to productive? Or that I’ll at least convince people that I’m headed Read more…

a rather weird mother’s day

Kim has long held that the Team Sublett motto is Weird is Good. Somewhere about middle school Lilly observed that sometimes Weird is Just Weird. This was a weird Mother’s Day. We were supposed to be at church having our pastor and church family praying over us and baby Jase. As it turned Read more…

hard work pays off

I know that you’re wondering if it’s all going to be worth it in the end. Those long, tedious days plugging away…those evenings sacrificed, nose to the grindstone. Late night sessions pouring yourself into the process. Believe me when I tell you that your hard work will bear fruit. The Read more…

I can’t post tonight

I was going to write something heart-warming and inspirational tonight. But Duke and UNC are in overtime. Our house is one big bundle of tension. Levi and Isaac are Dukies. Josie is a Tarheel fan. Kim and I lean to the lighter shade of blue if pressed for a decision. Read more…