This post has been rolling around in my brain for a few days…

As a pastor who has spent most of my life working with young men and women, I’ve heard this scenario in one form or another countless times:

Boy (or girl) claims to know Jesus, but is messing around with sin–usually sexual sin.  When the subject comes up, he dances around it, skirting the issue, avoids taking responsibility for his actions.  Often it ends with a statement to the effect of “I’m waiting for God to put that (area of obedience) on my heart.  As soon as he does, I’m totally willing to give that area up.”

I would love to sit down with this young man and smack him in the head in Christian love.  I wouldn’t really smack him; that would cause a scene, and he’s much younger than me, so he could probably take me.  But I would love to sincerely explain the difference between a calling and a command.

The commands of God are not optional.  They do not need any special sign to signify their validity.  There is no greater revelation or anointing needed to put them into practice.  The commands of God are simply that–commands.

God may call you to a certain sacrifice that is particular to your life.  He may specify a certain task or burden that is meant for you alone.  He may invite you to join him in an adventure that is singularly yours.

But the commands of God are applicable to all of his followers.

Let me give you a few examples…

Adoption:  A calling.
Caring for orphans and widows:  Command.
Selling your Xbox and giving the $ to a family in need: Calling.
Sacrificial generosity:  Command.
Rising early to spend an hour with God:  Calling.
Cultivating a relationship with God through prayer and his word:  Command.
Going to a foreign country to share the Good News:  Calling.
Telling others the Good News where you are:  Command.
Not dating anyone so that you can focus on Jesus:  Calling.
Sexual purity before (and after) marriage:  Command.

Are you getting the picture?  If I tell Levi that I expect him to clean his room, that leaves him a lot of latitude.  When does he clean it, where does he put his things, and what exactly do I mean by “clean?”  But if I tell him to take out the garbage before he goes to bed, that’s pretty specific and direct.

If you’re the young man (or woman) in this kind of situation, I’d really appreciate the opportunity to sit down and talk.  I’m willing to bet that you’d respond well.  I’d like to explain the difference between a specific calling and a general command from God.  If you read this, I would love to buy you a cup of coffee and chat about the will of God.  Give me a call…I promise not to smack you in the head.

OK, I’ll tell you about the foot massage tomorrow.

Categories: Uncategorized


Sharon @ Hiking Toward Home · March 30, 2011 at 12:43 pm

EXCELLENT POST. very well written and very clear.

Dannah Gresh · March 30, 2011 at 12:56 pm

Excellent differentiation. Love it.

Dan · March 30, 2011 at 2:02 pm

Great Post Stac!

Sean Michael Murphy · March 30, 2011 at 3:00 pm

helping the neighbors mow their lawn – Calling
not killing them – command
following up with a quick voicemail – Calling
then decided to send a quick text – texting

Paul Leah · March 31, 2011 at 8:47 am

If that cup of coffee is not one of your 10 yes’ I will take you up on it!

Cheryle Touchton · April 1, 2011 at 6:33 pm

Adoption – A calling
Not killing that child when they turn 16 – A Command

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